Skilled Trades

Skilled Trades Definition

Skilled Trades

Skilled Trades refer to occupations that require specialized training, technical skills, and hands-on work. These trades often involve manual labor and expertise in specific areas such as construction, manufacturing, repair, and maintenance. Examples include electricians, plumbers, carpenters, welders, and machinists.

Documents Required

  1. Identification Document:
    A valid identification document of the tradesperson:

    • Identity card (both sides)
    • Passport
    • Residence permit (both sides)
    • Driver’s license (card format, both sides)
  2. Trade Register Certificate:
    A Trade Register Certificate issued within the last 3 months for the tradesperson wishing to open the payment account.

Crowdfunding Only

  • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader.

Marketplaces Only

  1. Merchant's Site URL:
    The URL of the merchant's site is a priority. If not available, provide the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort.