Company Registered in the EU or Recognized Third Country

Company Definitions

Company Registered in the EU

A business officially registered and operating within an EU member state, complying with EU regulations.

Recognized Third Country

A non-EU country acknowledged by the EU for having equivalent regulatory standards.

A business registered in a recognized third country, allowed to operate within the EU under specific conditions.

Required Documents

  1. Valid Identification Document of the Legal Representative:

    • Identity card (both sides)
    • Passport
    • Residence permit (both sides)
    • Driver’s license (card format, both sides)
  2. Certificate of Incorporation:

    • Kbis for France (dated less than three months old)
    • If the position of the legal representative is not specified on the certificate, the position must be publicly verifiable (e.g., LinkedIn) or delegations of powers provided.
  3. Proof of Listing on the Stock Market:

    • Page of the stock market showing the company details
  4. Ultimate Beneficial Owner Verification:

    • If the company’s shares are not at least 76% public, shareholders owning or controlling more than 25% of the shares will require verification.

Crowdfunding Only

  • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader.

Marketplaces Only

  • The URL of the merchant's site. If unavailable, the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace.