Pay By Link

How to implement Pay By Link

This feature lets you create a payment form. A to request payments from multiple payers.

1. Create a payment form request

First call POST /v2/moneyins/card/paymentform. We will respond back with a form Id

You need to be precise when inputting the following required parameters:

  • walletPayer: the money reaches this wallet before arriving at the beneficiary wallet (via an automatic transfer wallet to wallet)
  • walletReceiver: the beneficiary wallet of the merchant
  • information about the payer: firstNamePayer, lastNamePayer, and emailPayer
  "optId": "CIT010",
  "walletPayer": "5f1ee3fc81380",
  "walletReceiver": "36c3a4f7-4dc6-4801-9a78-7e27684bdd9c",
  "totalAmount": 1000,
  "commissionAmount": 100,
  "comment": "Commande payByLink",
  "returnUrl": "",
  "errorUrl": "",
  "cancelUrl": "",
  "firstNamePayer": "Citron",
  "lastNamePayer": "de Qualité",
  "emailPayer": "{{wallet}}",
  "style": "",
//   "atosStyle": "",
  "notifUrl": ""
  • style: you need to build a public URL to a custom CSS stylesheet
    : example.css
  • atosStyle: AtosStyle: CSS template Name uploaded on the back office of our PSP
  • comment: your partner's comment
  • optId: your optional identity of the payment form
  • returnUrl: the URL on which you want your user to be redirected if the payment is successful
  • cancelUrl: the URL on which you want your user to be redirected if the payment is canceled
  • errorUrl: the URL on which you want your user to be redirected if the payment is in error
  • notifUrl: the URL on which you will receive POST notifications

Request Example:

  "optId": "CIT010",
  "walletPayer": "5f1ee3fc81380",
  "walletReceiver": "36c3a4f7-4dc6-4801-9a78-7e27684bdd9c",
  "totalAmount": 1000,
  "commissionAmount": 100,
  "comment": "Commande payByLink",
  "returnUrl": "",
  "errorUrl": "",
  "cancelUrl": "",
  "firstNamePayer": "Citron",
  "lastNamePayer": "de Qualité",
  "emailPayer": "{{wallet}}",
  "style": "",
//   "atosStyle": "",
  "notifUrl": ""


Total Amount Input

For totalAmount input you have three options:

  • precising the exact amount to display on the Payment Form
  • not precising any amount or amount = 0 so it can be a free field for the payers
  • precising a range of amounts authorized to complete by payers. If the payer precises an amount that is not included in the range authorized by the partner, then he will see an error message 188 Incorrect amount format.

Please note that you can't complete an amount between 0 and 0.5 not included for Card Payments, otherwise you will receive an error message.

2. Redirect your clients to a Payment Form URL

Build your Lemonway Payment URL using the format below:

For Sandbox Environment, please use the format below: YourEnvironmentName/dev/payment-page/?fId=XXX

fIdfID = Form Id returned from POST /v2/moneyins/card/paymentform or Create Payment Form

Your payers at this step will have to go over two steps:

  1. The Payment Form

The payer can change the language of the payment form at the bottom. That will change the language of the PSP Payment Page (the next step).

  1. Payment Page
  1. Receive and Process Payment information

Depending on the status of the Payment, Lemonway will redirect your clients to the right URLs (return, error or cancel).

  • a POST notification either on your return, error, cancel URLs, or on your notifURL. If you want to retrieve more information about a Payment (including the reason for the Bank decline), please call GET/v2/moneyins or GetMoneyIn specifyingTransactionMerchantToken (returned on POST notification as Id).


You need to make sure your redirect URLs are publically available so we can correctly send you all notifications

Here is the different information you will receive with the POST notification:

iDTransactionMerchantToken or unique reference of the transaction
optIdYour optional identity of the payment form
parentIdForm Id
statusStatus of the form. PAID, ERROR, CANCEL
amountTotThe amount you completed in the initial request or the amount completed by the payer
commentThe comment your payer precise on the Payment Form
parentCommentYour comment precise in POST /v2/moneyins/card/paymentform or Create Payment Form
walletPayerthe money reaches this wallet before arriving at the beneficiary wallet (via an automatic transfer wallet to wallet)
walletReceiverThe beneficiary wallet of the merchant
firstNamePayer, lastNamePayer and emailPayerInformation about the payer
utcDateTransaction Creation Date (UTC time frame)
createdTransaction Creation Date
  1. Retrieve Information about a Payment Form

You can use GET/v2/moneyins/paymentform/{formid}/completed or GetPaymentForm to retrieve the status of a specific Payment Form and all information related