TechGadget - Money-Outs

How does Lemonway create Money-Out payments?

When Rita created an account on TechGadgets website and decided to open a shop, she had to fill in an online form from on the Mirakl (TechGadgets)dashboard. In order for Rita to receive money from her sales, she has to be KYC-2 validated by Lemonway.

Account updated and Money-out enabled

Account updated and Money-out enabled

Mirakl x Lemonway Connector Money-Out

As previously mentioned transactions on the Mirakl dashboard are replicated on the Lemonway dashboard using the connector. Mirakl uses the term billing cycles to related to the frequency of when invoices are generated for sellers.

There are 4 different actions that can take place on Mirakl's side in terms of invoicing. These actions trigger specific connector Money-Out jobs by connector.

  1. Automatic Invoices - the connector creates an automatic Money-Out for the Merchant.
  2. Automatic Invoices with a subscription fee - Money-Out minus the marketplace subscription fee. The connector will create a P2P from the Merchant to the SC Wallet on the subscription billing date.
  3. Manual Invoices - in case of discrepancies or one of special invoice. This action debits the Payable Balance of a shop as shown on the Merchants account page on Mirakl dashboard. This action triggers the connector to create a P2P from the Merchant wallet to SC wallet on the Lemonway side.
  4. Manual Credit - the market operator can credit the balance Payable of a shop. This action triggers the connector to create a P2P from the SC wallet to Merchant's wallet on the Lemonway side.

When an invoice is generated on Mirakl dashboard, it is the Lemonway connectors job is to retrieve this information and create a Money-Out for the Merchant. So in our use case, the connector is responsible of transfering the sum of €105.29 to Rita's account on the next billing cycle.



It is the marketplace operator who decides the billing cycle duration on the Mirakl platform. It can be weekly, monthly, quarterly or custom. Therefore, Money-Outs are dispatched according to this invoicing period set on Mirakl.