How to Access Lemonway Tools and Services


Lemonway uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol and framework to secure access to our REST API resources. Our authentication service strictly adheres to the IETF framework and standards set out in RFC 6749, Section 4.4.2 - Access Token Request.

For more information, please consult OAuth 2.0 (External Website)

The steps outlined in this topic apply to both the sandbox and the prod version of the REST API webservices.

Lemonway implements a two-step procedure that grants you secure access to our REST API webservice resources.

These are the two steps:

  1. Generate a basic authentication API key using the Lemonway Dashboard. This step is required to establish Client Authentication with our Authorization Server.

  2. Use the basic authentication API Key to request an Access Token of Bearer Type from the Authorization Server. This enables you to securely use Lemonway’s REST API resources.

We have extensive documentation on how to get started with this process. Check: OAuth 2.0

Access your Dashboard

Web browsers Lemonway Dashboard supports include: 

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge


Note: Internet Explorer is not supported.

IP whitelisted

Whitelisting is a way to make a network available to only those users who were approved earlier. A whitelisted IP address is an IP Address that was granted access to a specific network.

Please make sure your computer IP address has been whitelisted in our systems. 👉 Learn how to get an IP address whitelisted.

Access your dashboard

During the onboarding period, you will receive all the info regarding accessing your dashboard (sandbox and production).

Generate an API key

The Lemonway API is available at the following address:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Developers.
  2. Click API keys.
  3. Click Generate an API key  +.
  4. Enter your password, then click Generate an API key  +.

You can now see your API key has been generated. Click on it and enter your password to view it.