
Non-Listed Company Definition


An association is a group of people who voluntarily come together to pursue a common purpose or interest. These purposes can be social, cultural, educational, political, or economic in nature. Associations are often organized formally with a constitution, bylaws, and governance structures such as boards or committees.

Required Documents

  1. Identification Document:
    A valid identification document of the natural person representing the association (must be the president, treasurer, or secretary):

    • Identity card (both sides)
    • Passport
    • Residence permit (both sides)
    • Driver’s license (card format, both sides)
  2. Meeting Minutes:
    A copy of the minutes from the last general meeting of the association, issued within the last 12 months.

  3. Articles of Association:
    The dated and signed Articles of Association of the association holding the payment account.
    The issue of the JOAFE for France (Official Journal of Associations & Corporate Foundations) listing the association that holds the payment account.

Crowdfunding Only

  • A document describing the project in detail if the account holder is the project leader.

Marketplaces Only

  1. Merchant's Site URL:
    The URL of the merchant's site is a priority. If not available, provide the URL of the merchant's store on the marketplace or the URL of the marketplace as a last resort.

  2. Identification Document:
    A valid identification document of the natural person authorized by the government authority to open the payment account:

    • Identity card (both sides)
    • Passport
    • Residence permit (both sides)
    • Driver’s license (card format, both sides)
  3. Mandate:
    A mandate granted by the government authority to the physical person acting on its behalf to open and hold the payment account.