SDD Refunds

SDD Refund Procedure

A refund with the same payment method (SDD) is not possible. However, there are some ways around this.

If SDD is processed with Core mandate:

  • Up to 8 weeks: the debtor can request a refund from their bank(contest the SDD). In this case, Lemonway's partner will receive a chargeback and the payor(the debtor) will be refunded with the amount debited.
  • Between 8 weeks and 13 months: possible only if the transaction is unauthorized. The debtor can request a refund from their bank(contest the SDD), providing proof that the mandate was not signed.

If SDD is processed with B2B mandate: the debtor cannot contest the SDD B2B. However, the debtor can be refunded via bank transfer(Money Out) in case:

  • there is no interbank rejection 3 business days after the payment status turns to Completed (on the Dashboard)
  • the payment account is KYC2 validated (on the Dashboard)
  • the IBAN debited with the SDD is also submitted and validated for Money Out (on the Lemonway Dashboard).