SDK Buddle - Integration and SSR
The SDK is available in three different formats: ESM, IIFE, and UMD.
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SDK Formats
ESM (EcmaScript Module)
The standard format can be called from HTML directly in most modern web browsers.
<script type="module">
import LwHostedFields from 'hosted-fields-sdk';
const hostedFields = new LwHostedFields(config);
The ESM format has a larger file size, but has several benefits:
- Can be bundled with your application using tools that support tree-shaking (for example, Rollup or Webpack).
- Can be used for Server-Side Rendering (SSR).
- Can be lazy-loaded (SDK is not loaded until the user navigates to payment page).
Sandbox Example:
let LwHostedFields = (await import("")).default
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
This format is suitable for adding a <script>
tag in your HTML. The SDK will be loaded immediately into the LwHostedField
<script src="" integrity="sha384-W/usF6qhpdZM22UKBWPzddv8pasYds3fP2NJtFmNvak/15X4uMULJRU6DyIL1e4s" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
const hostedFields = new LwHostedFields(config);
UMD (Universal Module Definition)
- The format works for both front-end and back-end. Usually used as a fallback for the IIFE format.
<script src=""></script>
const hostedFields = new LwHostedFields(config);
Updated about 1 month ago