

A card redirection is implemented when the end-user (your customer) purchases goods or services on your platform. The end-user is redirected to a PSP (Payment Service Provider) payment page to enter their card details and to finalize their payment.

Worldline: PSP Payment Page:

The following workflow shows the card redirection payment process. Three steps are important in this process, you need to complete:

  • You need to make (initialize) a Payment Request to Lemonway

  • Ensure that you redirect your end-user to the Lemonway Payment URL

  • Lemonway will send a POST notification on your callback URL

  • Redirect URL with response_wkToken



If a payer clicks quit the payment, the transaction status will change to Cancelled. If the payer closes the browser or leaves it open for 15 minutes, the transaction will change to Cancelled when we update the status information to the PSP.