Initiate a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only)


How it works

Payment with a New Card

  1. By calling Initiate a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only), you receive an Authentication URL and a Transaction Id. If you want to register a card to use the card several times or subscription payments set registerCard=1.
  2. With the Authentication URL, you are able to redirect the end-user to the ACS (Bank Authentication Server) Page.
  3. After 3D Secure Authentication, you will be called back on the ReturnURL
  4. If the authentication was done then, you then need to call Finalize a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only) specifying the returned Transaction Id to finalize the payment.

Payment with a Registered Card

  1. Ensure you have a cardId then call Initiate a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only) specifying the cardID parameter (cardId and CVV (optional)). If you want to improve the transaction success rate add the CVV code in the parameters.
  2. Refer to steps 2, 3, and 4 as stated above.


Did you know?

You require a cardId to make a transaction on a registered card. This id is displayed when you finalized your first payment with the registered card using Finalize a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only)



To ensure that the client’s card has been registered, call the following method before you initiative payments on a registered card: MoneyInGetCard

Subscription Payments

A prerequisite to setting up a subscription is that you have previously made a payment with a card and registered the card using MoneyIn3DInit.



When creating recurring payment that are one shot, ensure that you use the correct format One_shot as stated in the API.



When creating a recurring payment the recurringAvgAmount must be higher than totalAmount. If a lower amount is entered for recurringAvgAmount you will receive a directkit error message:
368: recurringAvgAmount stating that the amount should be greater than the transaction amount.


Did you know?

Initial transaction for a subscription can be for a predetermined or an undetermined length of time.

After you have registered a card refer to MoneyInWithCardId to begin setting up a subscription or payment by the delivery system.



To ensure the likelihood of frictionless payments you must set up payments of equal recurring amounts.


<MoneyIn3DInit xmlns="Service_mb"> 
    <Recurring>string</ Recurring>
    <suspiciousActivityIndicator>boolean <suspiciousActivityIndicator>
    <merchantCustomerAuthentDateTime>ISO8601 date time format<merchantCustomerAuthentDateTime> 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    "paymentPattern": {
      "Recurring": "string",
      "One_shot": "string",
    "challengeMode": "string"
    "billingAddress": {
      "city": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "addressAdditional1": "string",
      "addressAdditional2": "string",
      "addressAdditional3": "string",
      "zipCode": "string",
      "state": "string"
    "holder": {
      "firstName": "string",
      "lastName": "string",
      "email": "string",
      "phone": "string",
      "mobile": "string",
      "workPhone": "string"
    "deliveryAddress": {
      "city": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "addressAdditional1": "string",
      "addressAdditional2": "string",
      "addressAdditional3": "string",
      "zipCode": "string",
      "state": "string"
    "deliveryAdditionalInfo": {
      "contact": {
        "email": "string",
        "numberOfItemsBasket": "string",
        "addressDeliveryBillingMatchIndicator": "boolean",
        "deliveryAddressCreationDate": "YYYY/MM/DD",
        "estimatedDeliveryDelay": "YYYY/MM/DD",
        "deliveryMode": "string"
      "customerAccountInfo": {
        "customerAccountId": "string",
        "numberOfPurchase180Days": "int",
        "numberOfTransactionYear": "int",
        "customerAccountCreationDate": "YYYY/MM/DD",
        "numberOfAttemptsAddCard24Hours": "int",
        "suspiciousActivityIndicator": "boolean",
        "numberOfTransaction24Hours": "int",
        "customerAccountChangeDate": "YYYY/MM/DD",
        "passwordChangeDate": "YYYY/MM/DD",
        "addPaymentMeanDate": "YYYY/MM/DD"
      "authentication": {
        "merchantCustomerAuthentMethod": "string",
        "merchantCustomerAuthentDateTime": "ISO8601 date time format"
                "SEN":" string",
Item Description Mandatory Format Example
challengeMode If you would like to enforce 3D Secure for your client then use the challenge mode. Possible values are: No_preference (default value). The card holder's bank will decide whether or not to challange and CHALLENGE No string no_preference
wallet Wallet ID to credit Yes [0 : 256] char 33612345678 ou taxi67
amountTot Amount to debit from card Yes 2 decimals 15
amountCom Fee amount for you No 2 decimals 1
comment Comment No [0 :140] char Order number 2457765AX2
wkToken Unique ID of the call, generated by your server. This ID can be used as a search field when looking for operation details No [0 : 50] char 5652772
cardType Card type Yes [1] char 0: CB
1: Visa
2: Mastercard
cardNumber Card number Yes [13 :19] char 4.972E+15
cardCode CVV Code at the back of the card Yes [3] char 123
cardDate Card expiration date Yes MM/yyyy Dec-13
autoCommission This should be set to No (0). Yes [1] char 0: No (by «default)
If yes: 1: Yes
[amountCom] will be ignored and will be replaced with Lemonway's fee You will not receive any fee
returnUrl URL of return of the 3D Secure website. Your client will be redirected on this URL, which should be your website URL. Yes if Atos contract
specialConfig Leave empty No [0 :max] char
paymentPattern Recurring: If a payment follows a recurring amount or One shot: (when there is no future recurring payments) No possible values: Recurring or One_shot
recurringAvgAmount Average Amount of future recurring payments to cover recurring payments with variable amounts - only if the recurring amount is higher than the amount of the first transaction No string
Additional Optional Inputs to Enable Frictionless Payments

The following table displays the fields that are considered to have high importance for the card and banks ranking system. They recommend that they be populated if the information is available. The most important fields are ranked from R1 (being the most important) to R4.

Object Field Format Descriptions Example Priority
billingAddress string Billing address Paris R2 string FRA
billingAddress.addressAdditional1 string 5 Avenue Anatole France
billingAddress.addressAdditional2 string Etage 2
billingAddress.addressAdditional3 string
billingAddress.zipcode string 75007
billingAddress.state string Paris
holder holder.firstName string Holder contact information Michel R1
holder.lastName string Dupont R1 string R1 string +33100000000 R3 string +33100000000 R3
holder.workPhone string +33100000000 R3
deliveryAddress string Delivery address information Paris R1 string France
delivery string
Address.addressAdditional1 string 5 Avenue Anatole France
deliveryAddress.addressAdditional2 string Etage 2
deliveryAddress.addressAdditional3 string
deliveryAddress.zipcode string 75007
(postal code)
deliveryAddress.state string
deliveryAdditionalInfo string Delivery contact email R2
numberOfItemsBasket string Number of items in shopping cart 8 R4
deliveryAdditionalInfo.DeliveryBillingMatch boolean Describes delivery and billing addresses are the same. Possible values: true or false true R4
deliveryAdditionalInfo.deliveryAddressCreationDate YYYY/MM/DD Creation date of delivery address 2020/05/05 R4
deliveryAdditionalInfo.estimatedDeliveryDelay YYYY/MM/DD Estimated delivery date 2021/06/21 R4
deliveryAdditionalInfo.deliveryMode string Delivery Method for example: Postal Office or Amazon box Amazon Box R4
authentication Authentication.merchantCustomerAuthentMethod string Authentication method used to authenticate the buyer before making the payment. 3 R4
Possible merchantCustomerAuthentMethod Values: - NOAUTHENT = 1 (No authentication of the customer by the merchant), - OWNCREDENTIAL = 2 (Customer authentication by the merchant using his own system), - FEDERATEDID = 3 (Customer authentication by the merchant using an identifier federated (facebook, ...) (e.g. Facebook)), - ISSUERID = 4 (Customer authentication by the merchant using information of the issuer's payment mean), - THIRDPARTY = 5 (Customer authentication by the merchant using a third system), - FIDO = 6 (Customer authentication by the merchant with FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) system)
Authentication.merchantCustomerAuthentDateTime ISO8601 date time format Date and time of the cardholder authentication 2021-05-24T06:00Z R4
customerAccountInfo customerAccountInfo.customerAccountId string Additional information about the account optionally provided by the 3-D Secure Requestor. Customer for 1 year R4
customerAccountInfo.numberOfPurchase180Days int The amount of customer transactions made over the last six months (last 180 days) 10 R4
customerAccountInfo.numberOfPurchase180Days int The amount of customer transactions made over the last six months (last 180 days) 10 R4
customerAccountInfo.numberOfTransactionYear int Number of accepted or abandoned transactions in the last year on the merchant's customer account. 100 R4
customerAccountInfo.customerAccountCreationDate YYYY/MM/DD When the customer account was originally created. 2020/05/05 R4
customerAccountInfo.numberOfAttemptsAddCard24Hours int Number of distinct cards used by the merchant's account in the last 24 hours. 1 R4
customerAccountInfo.suspiciousActivityIndicator boolean Notes if a suspicious activity is detected on customer account in the merchant's website. false R4
customerAccountInfo.numberOfTransaction24Hours string How many transactions did the customer make in the last 24hours 1 R4
customerAccountInfo.customerAccountChangeDate YYYY/MM/DD Last date the customer account was changed 2020/07/14 R4
customerAccountInfo.passwordChangeDate YYYY/MM/DD Date of last change of password of the customer account 2020/07/14 R4
customerAccountInfo.addPaymentMeanDate YYYY/MM/DD Date of last added form of payment made to account. For example a new card registered to the account 2020/05/05 R4
ACS and Transaction Descriptions
Item Description Example
ACS Encapsulate data sent by the system that emits the card
ACS > actionUrl Redirect URL for the Client on the 3D Secure web site
ACS > actionMethod Only if Payxpert contract. Method to use to transmit information to the 3DS authentication platform using GET or POST POST
ACS > pareqFieldName Only if Payxpert contract. Name of the field to use to transmit "pareq" data PaReq
ACS > pareqFieldValue Only if Payxpert contract. Pareq data to send eJxVkdtSwjAQhl+F4QGapPTILJlBYZQZW7XCoNxl2tVWe4C0tfD2JqWIXmW/PWX3X1inEnHxgnErkUOAdS0+cJQls7FLKaMeG3N4mkd44PCNss6qkjODGiaQC6oiGaeibDiI+HCzCrnlu67jAhkQCpSrBWcOZd7EtphNXZ/6QM5uKEWB/
ACS > termurlFieldName Only if Payxpert contract. Field name to use to transmit your return URL TermUrl
ACS > mdFieldName Only if Payxpert contract. Name of the field to transmit the "md" variable MD
ACS > mdFieldValue Only if Payxpert contract. "md" variable to transmit 18V64ziCeuvLFKPdne7G
ACS > mpiResult Not used anymore
TRANS > HPAY Encapsulate a summary of the initialized transaction
TRANS > HPAY > ID Transaction ID, to save at confirmation step 677
TRANS > HPAY > MLABEL Non-used for your brand
TRANS > HPAY > DATE Init date
TRANS > HPAY > SEN Non-used
TRANS > HPAY > REC Wallet to credit Pizza56
TRANS > HPAY > DEB 0.00 in this case 0
TRANS > HPAY > CRED Amount to credit to the wallet (total less fee) 15
TRANS > HPAY > COM Your fee 2
TRANS > HPAY > MSG Comment Order number 2457765AX2
TRANS > HPAY > STATUS Non-used in your KIT 0

Response Ouput Description

1TOKENPayment Token to pass to WebKit URL using GET1wGaBwkdOmOxWT0s4t1Z1364815
> = 1.2IDTransaction ID3232
> =1.3CARDIDCard ID if registerCard=134

Example of form to use to redirect the client on the authentication website:


'<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="'.$pareqFieldName .'" value="'.$pareqFieldValue.'">
<input type="text" name="'.$termurlFieldName.'" value="'.$myReturnUrl.'">
<input type="text" name="'.$mdFieldName.'" value="'.$mdFieldValue.'">
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" value="Go to 3DS"></form>'

Mercanet (simple redirection to actionUrl):

$actionUrl : URL to 3DS authentication website
header('Location: '.$actionUrl);