Money-Out Statuses

ExtIdExternal ID of the walletjkdc
IntIdInternal ID of the wallet101
NotifCategoryType of notification, 15 for "Money-Out cancelled"15
NotifDateDate and time the notification was created. Paris time. Format ISO86012016-05-05T16:44:55.883
IdTransactionTransaction ID210
AmountCredited amount10
StatusTransaction status:6
0: success
4: pending
6: error
Payment methodReturns a number associated with a payment method.0 (card payment)
IdOriginTransactionCorresponds to the original Money-Out transaction number.24062

Example POST JSON notification:

    "IntId": "132546",
    "ExtId": "6c964a98-c7fd-48a6-9ce2-d6c7bb5ebc8a",
    "NotifDate": "2023-05-22T15:59:16.027",
    "NotifCategory": "15",
    "IdTransaction": "24063",
    "Amount": "100.00",
    "Status": "6",
    "Payment method": "3",
    "IdOriginTransaction": "24062"