Payments by Cheques

PSP Error Values and Descriptions

ValuesDescription (Fr)Description (En)
coup0004Echec de validation du paiement côté chequeasy (Viamobis).The payment failed before receiving the cheque (Viamobis).
coup0005Echec de validation du paiement côté commerçant (Lemonway).The payment failed before receiving the cheque (Lemonway).
coup0016Commande annulée par chequeasy suite à un délai d'attente du paiement dépassé.The final users have 120 days to send the physical cheque and the time has expired.
coup0027Le paiement reçu n'est pas valide.The physical cheque is rejected (not valid) after verification.
coup0029Commande annulée par Chequeasy, chèque mal rempli.The cheque was cancelled because it was not correctly completed.

Format Errors

SVU_1002Data cannot be decoded correctly (incorrect secret key).
SVU_1006Invalid value (variable name).

Technical Errors

SVU_2001No payment is currently in progress.
SVU_2002This payment has already been processed (confirmed or cancelled).

Expired Payment

SVL_3003The session has expired, and you can not continue your payment.

Invalid Fraud Verification

SVU_3009The entered bank check cannot be validated. Review the cheque number or use another chequebook.

Incorrect Cheque Information

SVU_3011The entered cheque number cannot be validated.
SVU_3013The RLMC key of the check is invalid. Ensure that you review the key and the entered cheque number.
SVU_3014The entered cheque number is incomplete.
SVU_3016The RLMC key of the cheque is invalid, please check the key and the entered cheque number.
SVU_3017The entered cheque number is Incomplete.