Lemonway Webhook Notifications

Webhooks can be configured from the Dashboard Notifications section.

8Account Wallet:Status changed
9Document status changed-
10Money-In:by wire received
11Money-In:by SDD received
12Money-In:by cheque received
13Blocked wallet (Account)Status updates
15Money-Out cancelled-
17Money-In: by SDD cancelled-
18For client:Regarding documents and procedure
19SC WalletLow balance notification
20Card Multi Capture: CLOSEDAll the funds have been captured and there is no possibility to process other capture. This status is different from completed to avoid amount duplication in our system.
21Card Multi Capture: PARTIALLY_CAPTUREDAt least one capture has been made and there are still available funds to process more.
22Money-In:by Card received: Subscription
37Money-Out validated-
42[PARTNER/ LEMON WAY] - Money-In:Transaction status synchronization alert
44[NOPROD / LEMONWAY]New document signed
45LEMONWAY - Money-In:Cheque transaction cancelled
46Money-In:by Sofort received
47LEMONWAY - Dispute alert-
48LEMONWAY LOW VIBAN WARNINGDeactivated by default. When activated, you will receive a notification alerting you that your current VIBAN stock is below 20% of the total contracted stock.