Test Environment and Default Accounts
Lemonway has two API versions. API v1 is SOAP-based and a.REST API. Please consult this page to find the mapping of both versions.
SOAP APIs are web service interfaces where the API calls are made over HTTP and data is exchanged in XML format. These APIs are highly extensible and are useful in enterprise environments where complex business logic needs to be encapsulated and reused across multiple applications.
Example: Lemonway SOAP API
Initiate a Web Payment - MoneyInWebInit
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
<MoneyInWebInit xmlns="Service_mb_xml">
<comment>Test for new DSP2 inputs</comment>
<label>label test</label>
<merchantCustomerAuthenticationDateTime>2021/05/24 06:00:00</merchantCustomerAuthenticationDateTime>
<deliveryAddressCreationDate>2021/05/24 06:00:00</deliveryAddressCreationDate>
<addPaymentMeanDate>2021/05/24 06:00:00</addPaymentMeanDate>
<customerAccountChangeDate>2021/05/24 06:00:00</customerAccountChangeDate>
<customerAccountCreationDate>2021/05/24 06:00:00</customerAccountCreationDate>
<passwordChangeDate>2021/05/24 06:00:00</passwordChangeDate>
Example: Lemonway REST API
Initiate a Web Payment - MoneyInWebInit
Getting Started for Developers
Our implementation team does not send live access to a new environment on Friday.
The Lemonway Test Environment
The test environment will remain available throughout the duration of the contract.
An environment comes with 3 URLs:
- Directkit URL to access our webservices.
- Webkit URL for the payment page with the card input form, and electronic signature.
- Dashboard URL to monitor your payments from your Dashboard. Read more...
Login to Access Our API
We provide an account to get access to our API v1:
- society login with the default 123456 password (that you should change). This login is for developers. You have access to all methods of our API Directkit, and limited access to the Dashboard.
For secure account access for v1 and v2 consult: Authentication
You may change passwords in the Dashboard as follows:
Login | Pass | Type |
society | …..... | mbWsdmin |
You can also create more accounts if needed for your business.
Your own technical account SC for fees management
The specific technical account SC is your company wallet and is used to collect your fees. It is also used by Lemonway to collect our fees.
The SC account's balance can only be positive, as any payment account in our system.
This means, if this technical account does not have enough money to pay Lemonway fees, your payments will not be processed and an error will be returned from our API.
You can credit this technical account using your company's Visa or Mastercard card, call the Money-In method in order to do so, or you can also do a fund transfer to our Lemonway bank account, with a specific description of the fund transfer.