Blocked Account Status Change (formerly Freeze/unfreeze wallet)

ExtIdAccount external IDjkdc
IntIdAccount Internal ID 32
NotifDateDate and time the notification was created. Paris time. Format ISO86012016-03-02T16:44:55.883
StatusWallet status6
NotifCategoryNotification type. 13 in this case.8
BlockedIndicates the new Account state :1
0: Account Open
1: Account Blocked
ReasonIdRepresented by a numeric value2
See, The reason an account is blocked table below.
BlockingThe blocking status is linked to the ReasonID1
0: Removed Reason
1: Blocking Reason Added
BlockingReasonRepresented by a numeric value. There can be several blocking reasons, therefore one or more comma-separated values may be displayed.6,8,2
Note: The text empty is displayed when the account is unblocked

Example POST JSON notification:

	"ExtId": "jkdc",
	"IntId": "32",
	"NotifDate": "2016-03-02T16:44:55.883",
	"Status": 6,
	"NotifCategory": "13",
	"Blocked": "1",
	"ReasonID": "2",
	"Blocking": "1",
	"BlockingReason": "6,8,2"

Reasons an account is blocked

2Blocked by Lemonway. Potential match of the individual with a sanctions list.In accordance with the regulatory requirements related to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing, Lemonway, as a payment institution, screens its customers on a daily basis. As part of this process, a match can be identified between a customer and a person on an international sanctions list, resulting in the blocking of the account. Correspondence is not a proven case: Lemonway then carries out a manual verification to remove or analyse the doubt. The payment account is unblocked when the suspicion is lifted.
3Blocked by PartnerThe reason was given to the client directly
4Blocked by Lemonway. AML-CFT analysis in progressIn accordance with the regulatory requirements related to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing, Lemonway has a transaction monitoring tool to identify inconsistent, unusual, or atypical behaviour. The payment account concerned can be blocked for the duration of the monitoring: this blocking does not always mean that suspicion is proven, but that an analysis is necessary. Please note that this analysis may not be communicated to the owner of the sums/author of the transaction or any third party, other than the supervisory authorities, professional orders and national representative bodies referred to in Article L. 561-36 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.
5Blocked by Lemonway. Suspicion of FraudIn accordance with regulatory requirements for fraud prevention, Lemonway has a system in place to detect potential cases of fraud. The payment account concerned can be blocked for the duration of the inspection: this blocking does not always mean that suspicion is proven, but that an analysis is necessary. Please note that this analysis may not be communicated to the owner of the sums/author of the transaction or any third party, other than the supervisory authorities, professional orders and national representative bodies referred to in Article L. 561-36 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.
6Blocked by Lemonway. Potential match of the legal entity with a sanctions list.In accordance with the regulatory requirements related to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing, Lemonway, as a payment institution, screens its customers on a daily basis. As part of this process, a match can be identified between a customer and a person on an international sanctions list, resulting in the blocking of the account. Correspondence is not a proven case: Lemonway then carries out a manual verification in order to remove or analyse the doubt. The payment account is unblocked when the suspicion is lifted.
7Blocked by Lemonway. Potential match of the legal representative with a sanctions listIn accordance with the regulatory requirements related to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing, Lemonway, as a payment institution, screens its customers on a daily basis. As part of this process, a match can be identified between a customer and a person on an international sanctions list, resulting in the blocking of the account. Correspondence is not a proven case: Lemonway then carries out a manual verification to remove or analyse the doubt. The payment account is unblocked when the suspicion is lifted.
8Blocked by Lemonway. Potential match of an Ultimate Beneficial Owner with a sanctions listIn accordance with the regulatory requirements related to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing, Lemonway, as a payment institution, screens its customers on a daily basis. As part of this process, a match can be identified between a customer and a person on an international sanctions list, resulting in the blocking of the account. Correspondence is not a proven case: Lemonway then carries out a manual verification to remove or analyse the doubt. The payment account is unblocked when the suspicion is lifted.

Understanding the blocking and unblocking process

The following example demonstrates how the blocking and unblocking flow operates. The table below represents the status of an account that has changed over four stages.

In example one (#1) the Blocked column displays 1 (denotes the account is blocked). The ReasonID column displays 2 (informs why the account is blocked). The Blocking column is linked to the ReasonID column (informs you that 2 is the reason why the account is blocked). Finally, the BlockingReason column displays the value 2 (Displays all blocking reasons. There can be more than one).

In example two (#2), the account is still blocked by ReasonID, 4. The Blocking column displays 1 to notify you that ReasonID 4 is why the account is currently blocked. The BlockingReason displays 2, and4, this denotes that there are currently two items that contribute to the blocking of the account. If the ReasonID is changed the BlockingReason is updated. The last Blocking Reason shown is the reason the account is blocked.

The situation has changed in example three (#3), ReasonID 4 has been resolved and is not blocking the account anymore, the Blocking column displays 0 but the account is still blocked by ReasonID 2.

If we look at example four (#4) the Blocked column displays 0, this denotes that the account is no longer blocked. The BlockingReason displays (empty) and the Blocking column displays 0, this denotes that ReasonID 2 is not blocking the account anymore.

Example NumberStatusBlockedReasonIDBlockingBlockingReason
# 151212
# 251412,4
# 351402
# 45020(empty)