Card Payments

There are 2 ways to view error codes with Lemonway.

  1. The API response code. In the error >PSP response field.
    Example: See Response code output here
{379} PSP error message found in the response Error object. Taken from reference documentation.
{767} Error Messages are also displayed in the Dashboard. This column is not displayed by default. You can add the column using the column chooser button.

The following table displays Lemonway's current partners with direct links to their error codes.



The characters xx, yy and zz in each table column are used to specify the order in which error codes should be read.

  <th style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <th style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <th style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>
  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>
    (always = 5 as an error)

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>


  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

  <td style={{ textAlign: "left" }}>

Payment Partner

The following examples are provided to help you understand how each PSP error message is displayed.


Mercanet uses a 3-code system to manage and describe error codes. The error should be read in this order to understand any issues.

  • ResponseCode (denoted in the table as xx)

  • Complementary Code (denoted in the table as yy)

  • AcquirerResponseCode (denoted in the table as zz)


Payzen errors are defined into 2 blocks: vads_result and vads_payment_error.
vads_result (Return code of the requested action). An error is always 05. The display format always consists of a 2-number code (N2)
vads_payment_error (Error codes that may appear when a payment has been declined). The format always consists of a 2 or 3-number code (N2...N3)

Computop (AXEPTA)

Computop errors are defined using an 8-character code. They are divided into 3 blocks: N8 , ( N NNNNNNN )

  • N (Action code)
  • NNN (Category)
  • NNNN (Details)

Example: 2 2001040

Action code (Value 1)Category (Value 2-4)Details (5-8)
2 - Error (Transaction failed)200 - Credit and debit card processing (The processing of a credit or debit card caused a problem)1040 - Error Communicating with Visa Directory (Transaction failed, details in column B)


Execution codes

The execution codes are organized with different ranges:

0XXX operation succeeded or still processing
4XXX operation rejected because of the bank or the supplier
5XXX operation rejected because of a system error
6XXX operation rejected because of anti-fraud engine



If you have messages that start with 1XXX, 2XXX or 3XXX please contact Lemonway Support for further help.

0000Successful operation
00013-D Secure authentication required
0002Redirection required to finish a transaction
0003Transaction in progress, pending notification
1001Missing parameter
1002Invalid parameter
1003HASH error
1004Unsupported protocol
1005Bad request, please check the documentation to build the POST request
1006GET parameters are forbidden
1007CART total amount is different from the transaction amount
2001ALIAS not found
2002Reference transaction not found
2003Reference transaction not succeeded
2004Reference transaction not refundable
2005Reference authorization not capturable
2006Reference transaction not finished
2007Invalid capture amount
2008Invalid refund amount
2009Expired authorization
2010Installment schedule not found
2011Installment schedule already interrupted
2012Installment schedule already finished
2013File not found
2014Invalid file
2015The reference transaction is not voidable
2016Resource already exists
2017The requested operation is not available yet, please try again later
2018The requested HFTOKEN has not been found or is expired
2019The void amount is invalid
2020The alias has expired
3001Disabled account
3002Unauthorized server IP address
3003Unauthorized transaction
3004Transactions rate limit exceeded
3006Invalid submerchant for this account
3008Payment options not configured
4001Transaction declined by the banking network
4002Insufficient funds
4003Card declined by the banking network
4005Fraud suspicion
40083DSecure authentication failed
40093DSecure authentication abandoned or expired
4010Invalid transaction
4011Duplicated transaction
4012Invalid card data
4013Transaction not allowed by banking network for this holder
4014Non 3-D Secure-enrolled card
4015Expired transaction
4016Transaction declined by the payment terminal
4017Form expiration (as planed by the merchant)
4018Recurring payment revocated for this card holder
4019The bank will decline further transactions from this card
4020Strong customer authentication required by issuer
4021Operation not allowed / not supported
5001Exchange protocol failure
5002Banking network error
5004Time out, the response will be sent to the notification URL (only applicable for Visa / MasterCard direct connection)
50053-D Secure authentication error
5006Unexpected bank response
6001Transaction declined by the merchant
6002Transaction declined
6003The cardholder has already disputed a transaction
6004Transaction declined by merchant and/or platform rules
6005Card not enrolled or 3-D secure unavailable
6006Blocked payment method
6007Operation prohibited by the bank networks
6008Card holder has already declared transaction as fraudulent