Charge a Registered Card


How it works

This method can be used for Subscriptions or Payments Upon Delivery.

For Partners using the Web PSP Payment Mode:

  • For Subscriptions with equal recurring amounts: for the initial subscription payment, use MoneyInWebInit and ensure that you set: registerCard=1, then use Charge a Registered Card for all subsequent equal amounts payments.

  • For Payments Upon Delivery: use Initiate a Web Payment to pre-authorize the amount you will charge upon delivery. Ensure that you set the delayedDays field between 1 to 6 days. Depending on if you want to guarantee the payment or not, use Capture a Deferred Payment or\
    Charge a Registered Card to capture the funds (details on the Card Payment Guide).

For PCI-DSS Partners using Direct Payment Mode (no PSP page):

For more information see, 🔐 3D Secure v2 and Card Payments


Questions to ask?

Why this card is rebilled: Is it a monthly payment for a service? Which service? Which website? Which order? With which email?\
Ensure you add all information regarding the rebill on this comment field. We may ask you to add more information on this field to answer complaints directly coming to our Customer Service from your customers, or from banks, or from the police, or from Visa/Mastercard, or from the regulator.


<MoneyInWithCardId xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<DATE> string </DATE>
		<SEN> string </SEN>
		<REC> string </REC>
		<DEB> string </DEB>
		<CRED> string </CRED>
		<COM> string </COM>
		<MSG> string </MSG>
		<STATUS> string</STATUS>


            "DATE":" string ",
            "SEN":" string ",
            "REC":" string ",
            "DEB":" string ",
            "CRED":" string ",
            "COM":" string ",
            "MSG":" string ",
            "STATUS":" string",

Additional Information

For details on input parameters and response descriptions, refer to the Lemonway API documentation.