Check Money-In 3DS Status (PCI-DSS compliant only)


How it works

After initializing a 3-D Secure transaction with Initiate a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only), you can choose not to debit the card, and only check if the user has successfully authenticated.

This is not a payment.

You cannot use both MoneyIn3DAuthenticate and MoneyIn3DConfirm


<MoneyIn3DAuthenticate xmlns="Service_mb">














<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



Request Input Description

transactionIdTransaction ID to finalizeNoint255
MDMD Data returned by 3D Secure siteNoString1Ok9dCP55UUkWfdJwEid
PaResPares Data returned by 3DS authentication websiteNostringeJxVkdtSwjAQhl+lwwM0SY+EWTKDgsKMICIgXGbaVaq0hbS18PYmpYheZb89ZfdfWO4U4vAVo0qhgCkWhfxAK4n7nYDz0HNZR8B8sMCjgG9URZJngtnUdoBcURepaCezUoCMjneTmfB4GAYhkBYhRTUZChZQ1nV9j/
cardTypeCard typeNo[1] char0: CB
1: Visa
2: Mastercard
cardNumberCard numberNo[13:19] char4.972E+15
cardCodeCVV: Code at the back of the cardNo[3] char123
cardDateCard expiration dateNoMM/yyyyDec-13

Response Output Description

O3D_CODEATOS return code:0
00: authenticated owner
55: the owner is not authenticated
62: Owner By-pass on ACS