Finalize a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only)


How it works

This method finalizes the credit of a wallet by card after 3D Secure authentication of the client.

  1. By calling Initiate a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only), you receive an Authentication URL and a Transaction ID. If you want to register a card for future payments set registerCard=1.
  2. With the Authentication URL, you are able to redirect the end-user to the ACS (Bank Authentication Server) Page.
  3. After 3D Secure Authentication, you will be called back on the ReturnURL.
  4. If the authentication was done, then you need to call Finalize a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only) specifying the returned Transaction Id to finalize the payment.

For Subscriptions with equal recurring amounts: for the initial subscription payment, use Initiate a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only) and then MoneyIn3DAuthenticate and MoneyIn3DConfirm. Ensure that you set: registerCard=1. Use Charge a Registered Card for all subsequent payments.


<!-- Request -->
<MoneyIn3DConfirm xmlns="Service_mb">
<!-- Response -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <DATE> string </DATE>
    <SEN> string </SEN>
    <REC> string </REC>
    <DEB> string </DEB>
    <CRED> string </CRED>
    <COM> string </COM>
    <MSG> string </MSG>
    <STATUS> string</STATUS>


// Request
// Response
      "DATE":" string ",
      "SEN":" string ",
      "REC":" string ",
      "DEB":" string ",
      "CRED":" string ",
      "COM":" string ",
      "MSG":" string ",
      "STATUS":" string",

Request Input Description

transactionIdTransaction ID to finalizeNoint255
MD"MD" Data returned by 3D Secure authentication websiteNostring1Ok9dCP55UUkWfdJwEid
PaRes"PaRes" data returned by the 3D Secure authentication websiteNostringeJxVkdtSwjAQhl+l...
cardIdAssociated with a transaction on a registered cardNochar1Ok9dCP55UUkWfdJwEid
cardTypeCard typeNo[1] char0: CB, 1: Visa, 2: Mastercard
cardNumberCard numberNo[13:19] char4972XXXXXXXXXXXX
cardCodeCVV: Code at the back of the cardNo[3] char123
cardDateCard expiration dateNoMM/yyyyDec-13
isPreAuthIndicates if the request is for a pre-authorization onlyNo[0:1] char0
specialConfigLeave emptyNo[0:max] char
delayedDaysIf isPreAuth was not set to 1, this will be ignored. Indicates the number of days for deferred payment.NoBetween 1 and 63

Response Output Description

1IDTransaction ID255
1MLABELNot used
1DATERequest Date10/9/2011 18:09
1SENNot used
1RECWallet to creditPizza56
1DEB0.00 in this case0
1CREDAmount to credit to the wallet (total less fee)15
1COMYour fee2
1MSGCommentOrder number 2457765AX2
1STATUS3 if successful payment3
>= 1.1EXTRAContains extra data
>= 1.1EXTRA.IS3DSIndicates if 3D Secure was used (0/1)1
>= 1.1EXTRA.CTRYCountry code of the cardFRA
>= 1.1EXTRA.AUTHAuthorization number43245