Finalize a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only)
How it works
This method finalizes the credit of a wallet by card after 3D Secure authentication of the client.
- By calling Initiate a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only), you receive an Authentication URL and a Transaction ID. If you want to register a card for future payments set registerCard=1.
- With the Authentication URL, you are able to redirect the end-user to the ACS (Bank Authentication Server) Page.
- After 3D Secure Authentication, you will be called back on the ReturnURL.
- If the authentication was done, then you need to call Finalize a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only) specifying the returned Transaction Id to finalize the payment.
For Subscriptions with equal recurring amounts: for the initial subscription payment, use Initiate a Direct Payment (PCI-DSS compliant only) and then MoneyIn3DAuthenticate and MoneyIn3DConfirm. Ensure that you set: registerCard=1. Use Charge a Registered Card for all subsequent payments.
<!-- Request -->
<MoneyIn3DConfirm xmlns="Service_mb">
<!-- Response -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DATE> string </DATE>
<SEN> string </SEN>
<REC> string </REC>
<DEB> string </DEB>
<CRED> string </CRED>
<COM> string </COM>
<MSG> string </MSG>
<STATUS> string</STATUS>
// Request
// Response
"DATE":" string ",
"SEN":" string ",
"REC":" string ",
"DEB":" string ",
"CRED":" string ",
"COM":" string ",
"MSG":" string ",
"STATUS":" string",
Request Input Description
Item | Description | Mandatory | Format | Example |
transactionId | Transaction ID to finalize | No | int | 255 |
MD | "MD" Data returned by 3D Secure authentication website | No | string | 1Ok9dCP55UUkWfdJwEid |
PaRes | "PaRes" data returned by the 3D Secure authentication website | No | string | eJxVkdtSwjAQhl+l... |
cardId | Associated with a transaction on a registered card | No | char | 1Ok9dCP55UUkWfdJwEid |
cardType | Card type | No | [1] char | 0: CB, 1: Visa, 2: Mastercard |
cardNumber | Card number | No | [13:19] char | 4972XXXXXXXXXXXX |
cardCode | CVV: Code at the back of the card | No | [3] char | 123 |
cardDate | Card expiration date | No | MM/yyyy | Dec-13 |
isPreAuth | Indicates if the request is for a pre-authorization only | No | [0:1] char | 0 |
specialConfig | Leave empty | No | [0:max] char | |
delayedDays | If isPreAuth was not set to 1, this will be ignored. Indicates the number of days for deferred payment. | No | Between 1 and 6 | 3 |
Response Output Description
Version | Item | Description | Example |
1 | ID | Transaction ID | 255 |
1 | MLABEL | Not used | |
1 | DATE | Request Date | 10/9/2011 18:09 |
1 | SEN | Not used | |
1 | REC | Wallet to credit | Pizza56 |
1 | DEB | 0.00 in this case | 0 |
1 | CRED | Amount to credit to the wallet (total less fee) | 15 |
1 | COM | Your fee | 2 |
1 | MSG | Comment | Order number 2457765AX2 |
1 | STATUS | 3 if successful payment | 3 |
>= 1.1 | EXTRA | Contains extra data | |
>= 1.1 | EXTRA.IS3DS | Indicates if 3D Secure was used (0/1) | 1 |
>= 1.1 | EXTRA.CTRY | Country code of the card | FRA |
>= 1.1 | EXTRA.AUTH | Authorization number | 43245 |