Upload Document for KYC


KYC is a regulatory obligation for Payment Institutions. European Directive 2015/849 of the European Parliament states this requirement
for the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing.



The regulatory thresholds for downloading documents (KYC: Know Your Customer) are indicated in your service contract signed with Lemonway.

How it works

To upload documents for KYC use the following guidelines:

  • Use JPG, JPEG, PNG or PDF (maximum 2 pages) for ID documentation only (for example Passport, Driving Licence and Residence Permit).
  • The maximum file upload size is 4MB for automatic verification.
  • The minimum file upload size is 100KB.
  • Full Colour, and straighten file.
  • Card ID: Scan both sides. One file should contain both sides (maximum 2 pages).

Important Documents over 4MB and up to 10MB will be manually validated.
Note: TIFF format is not accepted.
Note: If a document has been rejected, it is still possible to use the same slot to upload a new file.


<!-- Request -->
<UploadFile xmlns="Service_mb">
<!-- Response -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


// Request
    "wlLogin": "string",
    "wlPass": "string",
    "language": "string",
    "version": "string",
    "walletIp": "string",
    "walletUa": "string",
    "wallet": "string",
    "fileName": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "buffer": "byte[]",
    "sddMandateId": "string"
// Response
    "UPLOAD": {  
        "ID": "string",
        "S": "string",
	    "SUBSTATUS": "string",
	    "ACCOUNTSTATUS": "string"

Request Input Description

walletPayment account IDYes[0:256]12345
fileNameDocument nameYesStringCIN_wallet1.png
typeDocument type:YesString2
0: ID card (both sides in one file)
1: Proof of address
2: Scan of proof of IBAN
3: Passport (European Community)
4: Passport (outside the European Community)
5: Residence permit (both sides in one file)
6: Other document types
7: Official company registration document (Kbs extract or equivalent)
11: Driver license (both sides in one file)
12: Status
13: Selfie
21: SDD Mandate
bufferByte array with the document. Encode in base 64 if necessary.YesByte[]
sddMandateIdUpload the mandate document you signed yourself (with your own signing partner) to validate a mandate ID you previously created with RegisterSddMandate.Noint356

Response Output Description

IDThe ID of the document521
SStatus of the document1
The list of document statuses is available in the annexe
SUBSTATUSSub-status of the document2
Only when Status = 1
The list of sub-status is available in the annexe
ACCOUNTSTATUSPayment account status5