Initiate Monthly Recurring Payments


How it works

  1. Initiate the first transaction

  2. You then need to Initiate Monthly Recurring Payments specifying the cardId returned from the first transaction, and the subscriptionId (a unique reference you indicate for this subscription). You will also need to indicate the number of Recurring Payments you want us to initiate in the count. The amountTot corresponds to the amount of each recurring payment. Please note that by default, recurrences will be collected on the 15th and the first transaction initiated the month following the day of this request.

  3. We will create scheduled transactions in the back office (status 14)

  4. On each payment execution date, Lemonway will debit the card and change the pending transaction status to success, and then notify you.


<MoneyInSubscriptionInit xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<DATE> string </DATE>
		<SEN> string </SEN>
		<REC> string </REC>
		<DEB> string </DEB>
		<CRED> string </CRED>
		<COM> string </COM>
		<MSG> string </MSG>
		<STATUS> string</STATUS>


    "wlLogin": "string",
    "wlPass": "string",
    "language": "string",
    "version": "string",
    "walletIp": "string",
    "walletUa": "string",
    "wallet": "string",
    "cardId": "string",
    "amountTot": "string",
    "amountCom": "string",
    "comment": "string",
    "autoCommission": "string",
    "subscriptionId": "string",
    "count": "string"
    "TRANS": {
        "HPAY": {
            "ID": "string",
            "MLABEL": "string",
            "DATE": "string",
            "SEN": "string",
            "REC": "string",
            "DEB": "string",
            "CRED": "string",
            "COM": "string",
            "MSG": "string",
            "STATUS": "string",
            "EXTRA": {
                "IS3DS": "string",
                "CTRY": "string",
                "AUTH": "string"

Request Input Description

walletPayment account ID to creditYes[0: 256] char33612345678 ou taxi67
cardIdCard ID linked to the payment accountYesint243
amountTotAmount to debit from the cardYes2 decimals15
amountComYour feeNo2 decimals1
commentComment regarding the transactionNo[0:140] charOrder 245
autoCommissionIf Yes, Lemonway's fee is appliedNo[1] char0 (No), 1 (Yes)
subscriptionIdSubscription IDYes[0: 24] char0023T400
countNumber of operations to be performed on this subscriptionYesint4

Response Output Description

1IDRequest ID255
1MLABELHidden card numberXXXX XXXX XXXX 9854
1DATERequest date10/9/2011 18:09
1RECBeneficiary payment accountPizza56
1CREDAmount credited to the payment account (minus fee)15
1COMYour fee2
1STATUS14: scheduled14
>= 1.1EXTRAAdditional information
>= 1.1EXTRA.IS3DSIf the transaction was 3D-Secured1
>= 1.1EXTRA.CTRYThe country that issued the cardFRA
>= 1.1EXTRA.AUTHAuthorization number43245