IBAN Common

The process is as follows:

  1. Communicate Lemonway IBAN to your customers

  2. Display the wire exact label (or "memo") to type in. The correct format is: XXXXX-YYYYYY

    • XXXXX: the code that identifies your platform at Lemonway's "-": no space between the dash
    • YYYYYY: external ID identifying the wallet of the final customer
  3. Every day, Lemonway will credit all wallets with the received wires on Lemonway's bank account, following the instructions on the wire label. You can check these operations with the function Search for a Money-in by Fund Transfer

Some rules are mandatory to ease the wire matching:

  • Only give an alphanumeric external wallet ID. Other characters won't be transmitted in the wire labels
  • When you switch to the production environment, in the Production Parameters form, write the platform identification code you want to use.
  • The debited bank account owner must be the same as the destination wallet's.


Did you know?

In the test environment, you can simulate an incoming bank wire using the Backoffice:

  • Go to the wallet page > Action > Incoming bank wire.