Search for a Money-In by Fund Transfer


How it works

Use IBAN Status to obtain the list of all Money-In by fund transfer (not by card payment) received by Lemonway, starting from an entry date given in input to this method.


<GetMoneyInIBANDetails xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<DATE> string </DATE>
		<SEN> string </SEN>
		<REC> string </REC>
		<DEB> string </DEB>
		<CRED> string </CRED>
		<COM> string </COM>
		<MSG> string </MSG>
		<STATUS> string</STATUS>
		<DATE> string </DATE>
		<SEN> string </SEN>
		<REC> string </REC>
		<DEB> string </DEB>
		<CRED> string </CRED>
		<COM> string </COM>
		<MSG> string </MSG>
		<STATUS> string</STATUS>


                "DATE":" string ",
                "SEN":" string ",
                "REC":" string ",
                "DEB":" string ",
                "CRED":" string ",
                "COM":" string ",
                "MSG":" string ",
                "STATUS":" string",

Request Input Description

updateDateDate in second UTCYesString1373448225
updateEndDateDate in second UTCNoString1373448226

Response Output Description

>= 1.0HPAYMoney-In
>= 1.0IDMoney-In ID255
>= 1.0DATEMoney-In Date10/9/2011 18:09
>= 1.0SENEmpty in this case
>= 1.0RECPayment account that did the Money-Inpizza
>= 1.0DEB0 in this case0
>= 1.0CREDThe amount credited to the payment account (total received in this case)15
>= 1.0COMPartner commission. Always 0 when the money-in is a fund transfer0
>= 1.0MSGCommentOrder number 2457765AX2
Includes the customer name when banks provide it + the comment entered by the customer during the wire transfer order.
Contact Support to turn on/off "Debtor Name" & "Comment" parsing.  
>= 1.0STATUS3: Money-In successful3
4: error
>= 1.4INT_MSGError code or message from LemonwayCancelled