Update an Ultimate Beneficial Owner
How it works
By calling this method, you will update information related to an Ultimate Beneficial Owner.
If an account has a KYC 2 status, updates are not possible. If you have an issue with your account please contact a member of the Lemonway Support team. En | Fr
<UpdateUltimateBeneficialOwner xmlns="Service_mb">
<UpdateUltimateBeneficialOwnerResponse xmlns="Service_mb">
"wlLogin": "string",
"wlPass": "string",
"wallet": "string",
"ultimateBeneficialOwnerId": "string",
"firstname": "string",
"lastname": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"dateOfBirth": "string",
"cityOfBirth": "string",
"countryOfBirth": "string",
"countryOfResidence": "string",
"isActive": "string",
"version": "string",
"walletIp": "string",
"walletUa": "string",
"language": "string"
"UpdateUltimateBeneficialOwnerResponse": {
"UpdateUltimateBeneficialOwnerResult": {
Item | Description | Mandatory | Format | Example |
wallet | Wallet ID of the legal payment account | Yes | [1:100] char | 33612345678 |
ultimateBeneficialOwnerId | Ultimate Beneficial Owner's ID | Yes | [1:100] char | 54589812458 |
firstName | Ultimate Beneficial Owner's first name | Yes | [2:256] char | Pierre |
lastName | Ultimate Beneficial Owner's last name | Yes | [2:256] char | Dupont |
nationality | Ultimate Beneficial Owner's Nationality using ISO-3 format. | No | [0:19] char | FRA, USA |
Please separate multiple nationalities with a comma. | ||||
dateOfBirth | Ultimate Beneficial Owner's birthdate | Yes | dd/MM/yyyy | 21/03/1985 |
cityOfBirth | Ultimate Beneficial Owner's city of birth | Yes | [0:140] char | Montreuil |
countryOfBirth | Ultimate Beneficial Owner's country of birth using ISO-3 | Yes | [3] char | FRA |
countryOfResidence | Ultimate Beneficial Owner's country of residence using ISO-3 | No | [3] char | FRA |
isActive | Indicate if the Ultimate Beneficial Owner is active or not | No | [1] char | 0 |
0: no (default) | ||||
1: yes |