Test Connections

What is the procedure to test the connection between your server and API? If your application is unable to connect to our API, we recommend performing this test before contacting our Support team.

Case Windows Server

On your Windows Server, run this command:

curl -d "{\"p\":{}}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST



You will have to use your directkitjson2 URL for this test.

If you receive a response as shown in the example below, there is no problem with the communication between your Windows Server and our API.

{"d":{"__type":"WonderLib.GetWalletDetailsResult","WALLET":null,"E":{"Error":"","Code":"248","Msg":"Format IP incorrect","Prio":"2","INT_MSG":null}}}

Case Linux Server

The same method, except that the syntax of curl is a little different

curl -d '{"p":{}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST

Do not forget to change the URL in case sandbox and put the right environment name.