Retreive a List of P2P Transactions


How it works

Use this function to get essential information on the P2P transactions which match the filtering rules.

  • The supported filtering rules are:

    • A list of wallets → Returns transactions that belong to these wallets.
    • A list of transaction IDs → Returns transactions whose ID appeared in this list.
    • A transaction ID start → Returns transactions whose ID is greater than this start ID.
    • A transaction ID end → Returns transactions whose ID is smaller than this end ID.
    • A start date → Returns transactions that were created after this start date.
    • An end date → Returns transactions that were created before this end date.
  • You can also combine multiple filters (AND conditions), meaning the function will return P2P transactions matching all of your filters.

  • All filters are optional, but at least one must be specified.

  • Result limits:

    • The function returns at most 25,000 matching transactions (this number might differ in your environment).
    • If this limit is exceeded, the response will have Complete = 0, indicating more transactions match the filtering rules but are not included in this response.
    • If Complete = 1, all matching transactions are included.
    • To increase this limit, contact





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



  "wallets": ["string", "string"],
  "transactionsIds": [number, number],
  "transactionIdStart": number,
  "transactionIdEnd": number,
  "startDate": "string",
  "endDate": "string",
  "wlLogin": "string",
  "wlPass": "string",
  "language": "string",
  "version": "string",
  "walletIp": "string",
  "walletUa": "string"


    "COMPLETE": 0 or 1,
    "COUNT": number,
    "TRANS": [   
            "ID": "string",
            "DATE": "string",
            "SEN": "string",
            "REC": "string",
            "DEB": "string",
            "CRED": "string",
            "MSG": "string",
            "STATUS": "string",
            "SCHEDULED_DATE": "string",
            "IS_FEE": "string",
            "FEE_REF": "string"

Request Input Description

walletsA list of wallets' external IDs to filter transactions by wallets.No[char(100)]["marketplace", "abc"]
transactionsIdsA list of transaction IDs to filter transactions.No[number, number...][89, 90, 91]
transactionIdStartInteger: filter transactions with an ID >= this value.Noint100
transactionIdEndInteger: filter transactions with an ID ≤ this value.Noint1000
startDateFilter transactions created after this date (>=).No"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" or "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" or epoch value"14/01/2018 00:00:00" or "2018-01-14 00:00:00" or "1545311351"
endDateFilter transactions created before this date (≤).NoSame as startDate format

Response Output Description

COMPLETE1 = All matching transactions are included, 0 = Some transactions are missing due to limits.
COUNTNumber of transactions in the response.
HPAYMoney-In/Out transaction data.
IDP2P Transaction ID.255
DATETransaction date.10/9/2011 18:09
SENWallet sender.capital01
RECWallet receiver.project01
DEBP2P Amount.15
CREDSame as DEB.15
MSGTransaction comment.Order number 245776
STATUS3: success, 5: pending, others = error.3
SCHEDULED_DATEExecution date for delayed P2P transactions.12/31/2015
IS_FEEIndicates if transaction is a fee or commission.78956
FEE_REFOrigin of the Money-In/Out transaction.4567


Known Issue: Additional fields may appear in the response but will always be null. Please ignore them.