Creating a New Wallet
How it works
Calling this method enables Lemonway to create a wallet.
- Users enter their data on your website, for example on the profile area on your website
- Your server calls our RegisterWallet API
- Lemonway creates the wallet in your environment
- Your system reads the answer to this method and informs the user
We apply validation rules for different parameters.
Check Injection:
- String parameters (email, name and so on) must not contain odd characters, for example: *&#=<>
Names (first and last name)
- Not made-up names: "Unknown", "Inconnu", "Test" or "xxx"
- Names must have at least 2 characters with at least 1 vowel
- The first name must not be the same as the last name
- Using the same the same character 3 times in a row will cause an error
- We might apply other validation rules, for example: in the case VIP (politician)
<RegisterWallet xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LWID>string</LWID> <!-- since version 1.1-->
<LIMITS> <!-- à partir de la version 1.2-->
Item | Description | Mandatory | Format | Example |
wallet | Wallet ID used to identify the customer. Choose your unique number. | Yes | [1:100] char | 33612345678 |
Note: If you plan to credit wallets by fund transfer, please use short alphanumeric wallet identifiers (max 20 char.). Your customers will have to write their wallet identifier in the transfer label/comment, a label of more than 20 characters could be cut when passing the banking system. |
Accepted characters: A-Za-z0-9._@%+- (Example: space is not in this list so you cannot use it here) | ||||
Reserved name (case insensitive): "lw", "lemonwaycbv", "sc" (example: we will return an error if you try to create wallet "Lw") | ||||
clientMail | Unique Email. | Yes | [6:256] char | |
The email address must be unique in your environment. If the email addresses already exist, please use the previously created Wallet. Do not create 2 different wallets for the same user, for compliance reasons, security, and fraud management. Use the real email address of the end customer, not a generic one, or a fake one. | ||||
clientTitle | Client title | No | [1] char | "M": Mr. |
"F": Miss | ||||
"U": Unknown(default) | ||||
clientFirstName | Client's first name | Yes | [2:256] char | Pierre |
clientLastName | Client's last name | Yes | [2:256] char | Dupont |
street | Client's number and street | No | [0:256] char | 26 rue de Paris |
postCode | Client's Postcode/ZIP | No | [0:10] char | 93100 |
city | Client's city | No | [0:140] char | Montreuil |
ctry | Client's country using ISO-3 | Yes | [3] char | FRA |
phoneNumber | Phone number with MSISDN format: international number with country code without "00" or "+" | No | [6:30] char | 33672635263 |
No "00" | No "+" thanks | |||
mobileNumber | Mobile phone number with MSISDN format: international number with country code without "00" or "+" | No | [6:30] char | 33672635263 |
This will be used by default when electronically signing documents | ||||
No "00" | No "+" thanks | |||
birthdate | Client's birthdate | Yes | dd/mm/yyyy | 21/03/1985 |
isCompany | Indicates if the wallet is created for a company | Yes | [1] char | 1 |
1: Legal entity (Company, association...) | ||||
0 or empty: Individual person | ||||
companyName | Name of the company (at least one alphabetic character is required) | No | [1:256] char | Lemonway SAS |
companyWebsite | Company Website URL | No | [1:256] char | |
companyDescription | Company description | Yes/No | [1:256] char | E-commerce and clothing |
If isCompany = 1 then this value is mandatory. | ||||
companyIdentificationNumber | Company identification number | No | [1:256] char | 123567ABCDEF |
isDebtor | For crowdfunding/loan platforms, indicates if the wallet is created for a debtor | No | [1] char | 1 |
1: yes | ||||
0 or empty: no | ||||
nationality | Client's nationality, using ISO-3 format | Yes | [0:19] char | FRA, USA |
Please separate multiple nationalities with a comma. | ||||
birthcity | Client's birth city | No | [0:140] char | Montreuil |
birthcountry | Client's birth country, using ISO-3 | No | [3] char | FRA |
isUltimateBeneficialOwner | Indicates if the legal representative is also an Ultimate Beneficial owner (ie shareholder with >25% of capital or voting rights). | No | [1] char | 1 |
0: no (default) | ||||
1: yes | ||||
payerOrBeneficiary | Indicates if the wallet is created for a payer or a beneficiary | Yes | [1] char | 1 |
Empty: unknown status (default) | ||||
1: payer | ||||
2: beneficiary | ||||
isOneTimeCustomer | Indicates if the wallet is for a one-time customer. If yes, the wallet will be created with status 14, allowing only one payment. The maximum amount will be defined with Lemonway. | No | [1] char | 1 |
0: no (default) | ||||
1: yes | ||||
isTechWallet | This option is available depending on your contract. | No | [1] char | 1 |
0 or empty: no (default) | ||||
1: yes, in case this option is enabled in your contract. Otherwise, it will be considered a client wallet. | ||||
isUltimateBeneficialOwner | Indicates if the legal representative is also an Ultimate Beneficial owner (ie shareholder with >25% of capital or voting rights). | No | [1] char | 1 |
0: no (default) | ||||
1: yes |
Joint Accounts
From 1st October 2023, Lemonway no longer permits the creation of joint accounts to open payment accounts.