Creating a New Wallet


How it works

Calling this method enables Lemonway to create a wallet.

  1. Users enter their data on your website, for example on the profile area on your website
  2. Your server calls our RegisterWallet API
  3. Lemonway creates the wallet in your environment
  4. Your system reads the answer to this method and informs the user



We apply validation rules for different parameters.

Check Injection:

  • String parameters (email, name and so on) must not contain odd characters, for example: *&#=<>

Names (first and last name)

  • Not made-up names: "Unknown", "Inconnu", "Test" or "xxx"
  • Names must have at least 2 characters with at least 1 vowel
  • The first name must not be the same as the last name
  • Using the same the same character 3 times in a row will cause an error
  • We might apply other validation rules, for example: in the case VIP (politician)


<RegisterWallet xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<LWID>string</LWID> <!-- since version 1.1-->
	<LIMITS> <!-- à partir de la version 1.2-->


		"LIMITS": {
Item Description Mandatory Format Example
wallet Wallet ID used to identify the customer. Choose your unique number. Yes [1:100] char 33612345678
If you plan to credit wallets by fund transfer, please use short alphanumeric wallet identifiers (max 20 char.). Your customers will have to write their wallet identifier in the transfer label/comment, a label of more than 20 characters could be cut when passing the banking system.
Accepted characters: A-Za-z0-9._@%+- (Example: space is not in this list so you cannot use it here)
Reserved name (case insensitive): "lw", "lemonwaycbv", "sc" (example: we will return an error if you try to create wallet "Lw")
clientMail Unique Email. Yes [6:256] char
The email address must be unique in your environment. If the email addresses already exist, please use the previously created Wallet. Do not create 2 different wallets for the same user, for compliance reasons, security, and fraud management. Use the real email address of the end customer, not a generic one, or a fake one.
clientTitle Client title No [1] char "M": Mr.
"F": Miss
"U": Unknown(default)
clientFirstName Client's first name Yes [2:256] char Pierre
clientLastName Client's last name Yes [2:256] char Dupont
street Client's number and street No [0:256] char 26 rue de Paris
postCode Client's Postcode/ZIP No [0:10] char 93100
city Client's city No [0:140] char Montreuil
ctry Client's country using ISO-3 Yes [3] char FRA
phoneNumber Phone number with MSISDN format: international number with country code without "00" or "+" No [6:30] char 33672635263
No "00" No "+" thanks
mobileNumber Mobile phone number with MSISDN format: international number with country code without "00" or "+" No [6:30] char 33672635263
This will be used by default when electronically signing documents
No "00" No "+" thanks
birthdate Client's birthdate Yes dd/mm/yyyy 21/03/1985
isCompany Indicates if the wallet is created for a company Yes [1] char 1
1: Legal entity (Company, association...)
0 or empty: Individual person
companyName Name of the company (at least one alphabetic character is required) No [1:256] char Lemonway SAS
companyWebsite Company Website URL No [1:256] char
companyDescription Company description Yes/No [1:256] char E-commerce and clothing
If isCompany = 1 then this value is mandatory.
companyIdentificationNumber Company identification number No [1:256] char 123567ABCDEF
isDebtor For crowdfunding/loan platforms, indicates if the wallet is created for a debtor No [1] char 1
1: yes
0 or empty: no
nationality Client's nationality, using ISO-3 format Yes [0:19] char FRA, USA
Please separate multiple nationalities with a comma.
birthcity Client's birth city No [0:140] char Montreuil
birthcountry Client's birth country, using ISO-3 No [3] char FRA
isUltimateBeneficialOwner Indicates if the legal representative is also an Ultimate Beneficial owner (ie shareholder with >25% of capital or voting rights). No [1] char 1
0: no (default)
1: yes
payerOrBeneficiary Indicates if the wallet is created for a payer or a beneficiary Yes [1] char 1
Empty: unknown status (default)
1: payer
2: beneficiary
isOneTimeCustomer Indicates if the wallet is for a one-time customer. If yes, the wallet will be created with status 14, allowing only one payment. The maximum amount will be defined with Lemonway. No [1] char 1
0: no (default)
1: yes
isTechWallet This option is available depending on your contract. No [1] char 1
0 or empty: no (default)
1: yes, in case this option is enabled in your contract. Otherwise, it will be considered a client wallet.
isUltimateBeneficialOwner Indicates if the legal representative is also an Ultimate Beneficial owner (ie shareholder with >25% of capital or voting rights). No [1] char 1
0: no (default)
1: yes


Joint Accounts

From 1st October 2023, Lemonway no longer permits the creation of joint accounts to open payment accounts.