Register a Money-In by Cheque


Allows you to initialize a cheque you have physically received and plan to send to Lemonway in order to credit a wallet.
You can also not use this functionality and directly send the cheque to Lemonway.

How it works

  1. You receive a cheque.
  2. You call MoneyInChequeInit to register the cheque on the correct wallet.
  3. You send the cheque to Lemonway's address.
  4. The operation will be confirmed about 2 working days after Lemonway has received the cheque and the wallet will be credited.


<MoneyInChequeInit xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<DATE> string </DATE>
		<SEN> string</SEN>


            "DATE":" string ",
            "SEN":" string",

Request Input Description

walletThe payment account ID to creditYes[0: 256] char33612345678 or taxi67
amountTotCheque amountYes2 decimals15
amountComFees amount you want to keepYes2 decimals1
commentCommentNo[0:140] char245
autoCommissionIndicates if you want automatic fee calculation.Yes[1] char0: no (default), 1: yes
transferIdLeave emptyNo[8] char
partnerLeave emptyNo[0: 256] char
chequeTypeIf empty or 15 for cheque payment. 23: Pagaré.No[2] char15

Response Output Description

IDThe transaction ID677
MLABELNot used
DATEInitialization date18/06/2014 16:11:10
SENNot used
RECPayment account to creditPizza56
DEB0.00 in this case0
CREDAmount to credit (total minus your fee)15
COMYour fee2
STATUSAlways 0 in this case: pending0