With the CancelMoneyOut method, you can cancel a Money-out / SDD.
<CancelMoneyOut xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ID> string </ID>
<DATE> string </DATE>
<SEN> string </SEN>
<REC> string </REC>
<DEB> string </DEB>
<CRED> string </CRED>
<COM> string </COM>
<MSG> string </MSG>
<STATUS> string </STATUS>
"HPAY": {
Element | Description | Request | Format | Example |
wallet | Payment account ID | Yes | [1:256] char | Pizza75 |
transaction | Money-Out ID | Yes | int | 255 |
Element | Description | Example |
HPAY | Corresponding to one Money-out | |
ID | Money-Out ID | 255 |
DATE | Money-Out date | 10/9/2011 18:09 |
SEN | Payment account that has performed the Money-Out | 33612345678 |
REC | Empty in this case | |
DEB | Amount to debit from a payment account | 15 |
CRED | 0 in this case | 0 |
COM | Your fee | 3 |
MSG | Comment | Commande numéro 255 |
STATUS | 3: success | 3 |
| 4: error | |