You will need 3 integration points on your code:
- One call to DirectKit to init iDeal payment to credit the wallet
- One redirection from your website to the return URL by IDealInit
- One call to DirectKit to finalize the iDeal payment
<MoneyInIDealInit xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Item | Description | Mandatory | Format | Example |
wallet | Payment account ID to credit | Yes | [0: 256] char | 33612345678 ou taxi67 |
amountTot | Amount to debit from the card | Yes | 2 decimals | 15 |
amountCom | Your fee | No | 2 decimals | 1 |
issuerId | The ID of iDEAL Issuer resource: | Yes | [0: 10] char | 161 |
| ABNANL2A for ABN Amro | | | |
| ASNBNL21 for ASN Bank | | | |
| BUNQNL2A for Bunk Bank | | | |
| HANDNL2A for Handelsbanken | | | |
| INGBNL2A for ING | | | |
| KNABNL2H for Knab Bank | | | |
| MOYONL21 for Moneyou | | | |
| RABONL2U for Rabobank | | | |
| RBRBNL21 for RegioBank | | | |
| SNSBNL2A for SNS Bank | | | |
| TRIONL2U for Triodos Bank | | | |
| FVLBNL22 for Van Lanschot Bankiers | | | |
| | | | |
comment | Comment regarding the transaction | No | [0:140] char | Order number 2457765AX2 |
returnUrl | Your return URL is called by iDeal to terminate the operation and on which the callback will be sent, with data in POST parameters. | Yes | [1: max] char | <> |
| This URL must contain a unique ID so you know which operation is related to the return. | | | |
autoCommission | Indicate if a fee is taken directly from the amount to pay. | Yes | [1] char | 0: No (by default) |
| If Yes: [amount] is debited from the card, and creditWallet receives [amount-Lemonway fee] | | | 1: Yes |
| Else amountCom value is used | | | |