Get a List of All Wallet Transactions


How it works

Use GetWalletTransHistory to retrieve the list of Money-In, Money-Out, and P2P (payment between payment accounts) transactions of a given payment account.

Note: This call does NOT support special wallets such as SC (11) and LW (4).



Consider using the following functions, which are more efficient because they accept a list of wallets (along with other filters) and can return transactions of several wallets at the same time:

XML Request

<GetWalletTransHistory xmlns="Service_mb">

XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

JSON Request

  "wlLogin": "string",
  "wlPass": "string",
  "language": "string",
  "version": "string",
  "walletIp": "string",
  "walletUa": "string",
  "wallet": "string",
  "startDate": "string",
  "endDate": "string",
  "executionStartDate": "string",
  "executionEndDate": "string"

JSON Response

  "TRANS": {
    "HPAY": [
        "ID": "string",
        "DATE": "string",
        "SEN": "string",
        "REC": "string",
        "DEB": "string",
        "CRED": "string",
        "COM": "string",
        "MSG": "string",
        "STATUS": "string",
        "INT_STATUS": "string",
        "EXTRA": {
          "IS3DS": "string",
          "CTRY": "string",
          "AUTH": "string"
        "INT_MSG": "string",
        "MLABEL": "string",
        "TYPE": "string",
        "ACHIEVEMENT_DATE": "string",
        "PRIVATE_DATA": "string",
        "SCHEDULED_DATE": "string",
        "MTOKEN": "string",
        "METHOD": "string",
        "REFUND": "string"

Request Input Descriptions

walletPayment account identifierYes[1:256] charsPizza75
startDateTransactions initialized after this date (UTC seconds).No[0:10] int1373448225
endDateTransactions initialized before this date (UTC seconds).No[0:10] int1373448225
executionStartDateTransactions executed after this date (UTC seconds).No[0:10] int1373448225
executionEndDateTransactions executed before this date (UTC seconds).No[0:10] int1373448225

Response Output Descriptions

>= 1.0HPAYTransaction block
>= 1.0IDTransaction ID255
>= 1.0DATETransaction creation date10/9/2011 18:09
>= 1.0SENDebited payment account (empty if it's a money-in)
>= 1.0RECCredited payment account (empty if it's a money-out)pizza
>= 1.0DEBAmount debited from the account0
>= 1.0CREDAmount credited to the account15
>= 1.0COMPartner commission2
>= 1.0MSGCommentOrder number 245776
>= 1.0STATUSTransaction status (deprecated, use INT_STATUS)3
>= 1.3EXTRAOptional card info
>= 1.3EXTRA.IS3DS3DS authentication indicator1
>= 1.3EXTRA.CTRYCountry of card issuerFRA
>= 1.5EXTRA.AUTHAuthorization number455622
>= 1.7TYPETransaction type (0: Money-in, 1: Money-out, 2: P2P)1
>= 2.0METHODPayment method used (e.g., 0: bank card, 1: wire transfer, etc.)0
>= 2.1REFUNDRefund amount15
>= 2.7ACHIEVEMENT_DATEExecution date10/9/2011 19:04