Get Batched Detailed Wallet Data


How it works

This method is often used by your system to get all information regarding many payment accounts at the same time: the amount of Money-In the wallet and so forth. Everything about one wallet is here.

Note: This call does NOT support special wallets such as SC (11) and LW (4).

Fill in at least one search field.


<!-- Request -->
<GetWalletDetails xmlns="Service_mb_xml">
<!-- Response -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<DOCS> <!--since version 1.1-->
			<TYPE>documentType</TYPE><!--since version 1.2-->
			<VD>validity date</VD><!--since version 1.5-->
	<IBANS> <!--since version 1.1-->
			<DATA>iban</DATA><!--since version 1.3-->
			<SWIFT>swiftCode</SWIFT><!--since version 1.3-->
			<HOLDER>holder</HOLDER><!--since version 1.6-->
	<BLOCKED>1</BLOCKED> <!--since version 1.6-->
	<SDDMANDATES> <!--since version 1.4-->
	<CARDS> <!--since version 1.8-->


    "wlLogin": "string",
    "wlPass": "string",
    "language": "string",
    "version": "string",
    "walletIp": "string",
    "walletUa": "string",
    "wallets": [
            "wallet": "string",
            "email": "string"
            "wallet": "string",
            "email": "string"
    "wallets": [
            "WALLET": {
                "ID": "string",
                "BAL": "string",
                "NAME": "string",
                "EMAIL": "string",
                "DOCS": [
                        "ID": "docId",
                        "S": "documentStatus",
                        "TYPE": "documentType",
                        "VD": "validity date"
                "IBANS": [
                        "ID": "ibanId",
                        "S": "status",
                        "DATA": "iban",
                        "SWIFT": "swiftCode",
                        "HOLDER": "holder"
                "STATUS": "string",
                "BLOCKED": "1",
                "SDDMANDATES": [
                        "ID": "sddMandateId",
                        "S": "status",
                        "DATA": "iban",
                        "SWIFT": "swiftCode"
                "LWID": "string",
                "CARDS": [
                        "ID": "string",
                        "EXTRA": {
                            "IS3DS": "string",
                            "CTRY": "string",
                            "AUTH": "string",
                            "NUM": "string",
                            "EXP": "string",
                            "TYP": "string"
                "FirstName": "string",
                "LastName": "string",
                "CompanyName": "string",
                "CompanyDescription": "string",
                "CompanyWebsite": "string"

Request Input Description

walletPayment account IDNo[0:256] char33612345678
emailPayment account email addressNo[0:256]

Response Output Description

>= 1.0WALLETPayment account
>= 1.0IDPayment account ID33612345678
>= 1.0BALPayment account balance amount23.9
>= 1.0NAMEFirst name and last nameJean Dupont
>= 1.0EMAILEmail
>= 1.1DOCSList of documents that changed since the entry date
>= 1.1DOC>IDDocument ID20
>= 1.1DOC>SDocument Status2