Get Detailed Wallet Data
How it works
This method is often used by your system, to get all information regarding a wallet: the amount of Money-In the wallet and so forth. Everything about one wallet is here.
Fill in at least one search field.
<GetWalletDetails xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DOCS> <!--since version 1.1-->
<ID> string </ID>
<S> string </S>
<TYPE> string </TYPE><!--since version 1.2-->
<VD> string </VD><!--since version 1.5-->
<D> string </D><!--since version 2.4-->
<IBANS> <!--since version 1.1-->
<ID> string </ID>
<S> string </S>
<DATA> string </DATA><!--since version 1.3-->
<SWIFT> string </SWIFT><!--since version 1.3-->
<HOLDER> string </HOLDER><!--since version 1.6-->
<TYPE> string </TYPE><!--since version 2.5-->
<BLOCKED>1</BLOCKED> <!--since de version 1.6-->
<SDDMANDATES> <!--since de version 1.4-->
<CARDS> <!--since version 1.8-->
<IS3DS> string </IS3DS>
<CTRY> string </CTRY>
<AUTH> string </AUTH>
<NUM> string </NUM>
<EXP> string </EXP>
<TYP> string </TYP>
<!--since version 2.0-->
<FirstName> string </FirstName>
<LastName> string </LastName>
<CompanyName> string </CompanyName>
<CompanyDescription> string </CompanyDescription>
<CompanyWebsite> string </CompanyWebsite>
<!--since version 2.2-->
<Nationality> string </Nationality>
<BirthDate> string </BirthDate>
<BirthCity> string </BirthCity>
<BirthCountry> string </BirthCountry>
<CompanyIdentificationNumber> string </CompanyIdentificationNumber>
<!--à partir de la version 2.3-->
<ClientTitle> string </ClientTitle>
<Street> string </Street>
<PostCode> string </PostCode>
<City> string </City>
<Country> string </Country>
<PhoneNumber> string </PhoneNumber>
<MobileNumber> string </MobileNumber>
<IsCompany> string </IsCompany>
<IsOneTimeCustomer> string </IsOneTimeCustomer>
<IsTechWallet> string </IsTechWallet>
<LIMITS> <!-- à partir de la version 2.6-->
"Nationality": "string",
"BirthDate": "string",
"BirthCity": "string",
"BirthCountry": "string",
"CompanyIdentificationNumber": "string",
"ClientTitle": "string",
"Street": "string",
"PostCode": "string",
"City": "string",
"Country": "string",
"PhoneNumber": "string",
"MobileNumber": "string",
"IsCompany": "string",
"IsOneTimeCustomer": "string",
"IsTechWallet": "string",
Request Input Description
Item | Description | Mandatory | Format | Example |
wallet | Wallet ID | Yes | [0: 256] char | 33612345678 |
Wallet email address | No | [0: 256] char | |
Response Output Description
Version | Item | Description | Example |
| WALLET | Wallet | |
| ID | Wallet ID | 33612345678 ou taxi67 |
| BAL | Wallet balance amount | 23.9 |
| NAME | First and last names | Jean Dupont |
| Email address | ||
| DOCS | All documents related to the wallet including the old ones are replaced (status = 4). You have to check the status of these documents in order to recognize whether they are real or accepted documents. | |
| DOC | Document | |
| DOC>ID | Document ID | 20 |
| DOC>S | Document status | 2 |
The list of statuses is available in the annexe | |||
| DOC>TYPE | Type of document. | 0 |
The list of types is available in the annexe | |||
| DOC>VD | The validity date of the document
| 23/03/2016 |
Format: dd/mm/yyyy | |||
| DOC>C | A comment is written by our KYC team on a document | incorrect ID card holder |
| IBANS | IBAN list that changed since the entry date | |
| IBAN | IBAN | |
| IBAN>ID | IBAN ID | 98 |
| IBAN>S | Only status 5 allows the use of the IBAN for a Money-out. | 5 |
The list of types is available in the annexe | |||
| IBAN>DATA | IBAN saved | 30002014400000156627A61 |
| IBAN>SWIFT | SWIFT BIC code associated with the IBAN | CRLYFRPP |
| IBAN>HOLDER | IBAN Holder | Jean Dupont |
| STATUS | Wallet status | 5 |
The list of statuses is available in the annexe | |||
| BLOCKED | Indicates if the wallet is blocked or not: | 1 |
0: not blocked | |||
1: blocked | |||
| SDDMANDATES | List of SDD mandates associated with the wallet | |
| SDDMANDATE | SDD mandate block | |
| SDDMANDATE>ID | Mandate ID | 98 |
| SDDMANDATE>S | Mandate status. | 5 |
The list of types is available in the annexe | |||
| SDDMANDATE>DATA | IBAN associated with the mandate | |
| SDDMANDATE>SWIFT | SWIFT code associated with the mandate | |
| LWID | Internal ID is given by LEMONWAY (ID displayed on the Dashboard) | 3673 |
| CARDS | List of cards linked to the wallet | |
| FirstName | Holder's First Name | Jean |
| LastName | Holder's Last Name | Dupont |
| CompanyName | Company name | LEMON |
| CompanyDescription | Company Description | Payment Service |
| CompanyWebsite | Company Website | |
| isDebtor | For crowdfunding/loan platforms, indicates if the wallet is created for a debtor | 0 |
1: yes | |||
0 or empty: no | |||
| payerOrBeneficiary | Indicates if the wallet is created for a payer or a beneficiary : | 1 |
Empty: unknown status (default) | |||
1: payer | |||
2: beneficiary | |||
| Nationality | Nationality | FRA |
| BirthDate | Birthdate | |
| BirthCity | Birth city | PARIS |
| BirthCountry | Birth country | FRA |
| CompanyIdentificationNumber | Company identification number | 12 |
| ClientTitle | Title | "M": M. |
"F": Mme | |||
"J": Compte joint | |||
"U" : Inconnu (défaut) | |||
| Street | Number and street | 26 rue de Paris |
| PostCode | Post code/ZIP | 93100 |
| City | City | Montreuil |
| Country | Country using ISO-3 | FRA |
| PhoneNumber | Phone number with MSISDN format: international number with country code without "00" neither "+" | 33672635263 |
| MobileNumber | Mobile phone number with MSISDN format: international number with country code without "00" neither "+" | 33672635263 |
This is used by default when electronically signing documents | |||
| IsCompany | Indicates if the wallet is created for a company | 1 |
1: yes | |||
0 or empty: no | |||
| IsOneTimeCustomer | Indicates if the wallet is for a one-time customer | 1 |
0: no (default) | |||
1: yes | |||
| IsTechWallet | 0 or empty: no (default) | 1 |
1: yes, in case this option is enabled in your contract. Otherwise, it will be considered a client wallet | |||
| DOC>D | Indicates the modification date of the document | 26/02/2019 |
| IBAN>TYPE | Indicates it's a merchant IBAN or a virtual client IBAN. | 2 |
1: merchant IBAN | |||
2: iban virtual client. | |||
| LIMITS | One-time customer only | |
Indicates the wallet's limits | |||
| TOTALMONEYINALLOWED | One-time customer only | 3 |
Total money in the number allowed for this wallet | |||
| AMOUNTMONEYINALLOWED | One-time customer only | 1000 |
Total money in the amount allowed for this wallet |