Search for User, Document, IBAN, modified since an entry date
How it works
Use GetKycStatus to look for users, documents, and IBAN for which the status has changed since a specified date.
GetKycStatus will return the same user multiple times in the same request if his status has changed multiple times since a specified date.
<GetKycStatus xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DATE>lastUpdateDate UTC seconds</DATE>
<D>documentDateChange</D> <!--since version 1.1 -->
<C>documentComment</C><!--since version 1.3 -->
<VD>validityDate</VD> <!--since version 1.5 -->
<TYPE>documentType</TYPE> <!--since version 1.6 -->
<D>ibanDateChange</D> <!--since version 1.1 -->
<SDDMANDATES><!--since version 1.4 -->
"DATE":"lastUpdateDate UTC seconds",
Request Input Description
Item | Description | Mandatory | Format | Example |
updateDate | Date in second UTC | Yes | String | 1373448225 |
Response Output Description
Version | Item | Description | Example |
>= 1.0 | WALLETS | Payment account list | |
>= 1.0 | WALLET | Payment account | |
>= 1.0 | ID | Payment account ID | 521 |
>= 1.0 | S | Payment account Status | 1 |
>= 1.0 | DATE | Modification Date of the Payment account status in Second UTC | 1373448289 |
>= 1.0 | DOCS | List of documents whose status has changed since the entry date | |
>= 1.0 | DOC | Document | |
>= 1.0 | DOC.ID | Document ID | 20 |
>= 1.0 | DOC.S | Status of the document. | 2 |
>= 1.1 | DOC.D | Date when the status of the document changed | |
>= 1.3 | DOC.C | Comment added by Backoffice for the document | |
>= 1.5 | DOC.VD | The validity date of the document | 23/03/2015 |
>= 1.6 | DOC.TYPE | Type of the document | |
>= 1.0 | IBANS | List of IBANs whose status has changed since the entry date | |
>= 1.0 | IBAN | IBAN | |
>= 1.0 | ID | IBAN ID | 98 |
>= 1.0 | S | Only status 5 allows the use of the IBAN for a Money-out. | 5 |
>= 1.1 | D | Date of status change for the IBAN | |
>= 1.4 | SDDMANDATES | List of mandates whose status changed since the input date | |
>= 1.4 | SDDMANDATE | One mandate | |
>= 1.4 | ID | Mandate ID | 98 |
>= 1.4 | S | Mandate status. | 5 |