Generate an Electronic Signature of a Document
How it works
This functionality allows you to generate an electronic signature. Currently, only SDD mandates can be signed with this method.
- A Mandate needs to be registered with Register an SDD Mandate
Three steps to follow for this method:
- Call SignDocumentInit: Generate an electronic signature of a document to initialize the signature request and get a token.
- Redirect from your website to WebKit, with the token in GET parameter. See Finalize Document Signature.
- A return page where your user will be redirected after the signature.
<SignDocumentInit xmlns="Service_mb">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Request Input Description
Item | Description | Mandatory | Format | Example |
wallet | Payment account ID | Yes | [0: 256] char | taxi67 |
mobileNumber | Required if no mobile number is assigned to the payment account | Depends | [6: 30] char | 33612345678 |
documentId | Mandate ID to sign: output of the call RegisterSddMandate | Yes | int | 46 |
documentType | Use "21" for SDD Mandate | Yes | int | 21 |
returnUrl | URL called by WebKit to terminate the operation | Yes | [1: 2000] char | |
errorUrl | URL called by WebKit in case of an error | Yes | [1: 2000] char | |
Response Output Description
Item | Description | Example |
TOKEN | Payment token to use as GET parameter when redirecting your user to WebKit. | 63458771evCKM8Wn6GPt44HgcRt56gRerAp |
Once you've got the token,
Use WebKit to sign your document:
The link is not reusable.
Once opened, the end-user must complete the signing process. Otherwise, a new token will need to be generated.