Credit an Account with Card without PSP process
Version | Description |
1.1 | Input: Added transactionMerchantToken , corresponding to wkToken used as input to MoneyInWebInit . |
1.2 | Output: STATUS data has different possible values. |
1.3 | Additional output: EXTRA tag containing additional card information. |
1.4 | Additional output: INT_MSG tag containing error codes or messages from Lemonway. |
1.5 | Added AUTH authorization number in EXTRA tag. |
1.6 | Added MLABEL tag to display IBAN when money-in occurs via iDeal or direct debit. |
1.8 | Added more map information to output. |
This feature may or may not be available depending on the nature of the contract. Please check with support before using.
How does it work?
This functionality allows you to credit a wallet with a transaction without using the PSP process.
<MoneyInCreate xmlns="Service_mb">
"wkToken": "string",
"serviceProvider": "string"
Request Input Description
Element | Description | Required | Format | Example |
wallet | Payment account ID to be credited. Cannot be an SC Wallet. | Yes | [0:256] char | 33612345678 |
amountTot | Amount to be debited from the card. | Yes | 2 decimals | 15.00 |
amountCom | Amount to be debited by you. | No | 2 decimals | 1.00 |
transactionReference | Unique transaction identifier. | Yes | [1:50] char | 03442 |
transactionOrder | Order number associated with the payment transaction. | No | [1:50] char | 5652772 |
transactionDateTime | UTC timestamp of transaction. | Yes | [0:10] char | 1373448225 |
transactionMerchantId | Store identifier provided by the PSP. | Yes | [1:50] char | 12345 |
transactionAuthorisationId | Authorization ID returned by the acquirer. | No | [1:50] char | 3452234 |
cardType | Type of credit card used. | No | [1] char | 1: Visa |
cardHolder | Name on the card. | No | [10:19] char | Dupont |
cardNumber | Hidden card number. | No | [1:19] char | 1223456789 |
cardDate | Card expiry date. | No | MM/yyyy | 12/2022 |
cardCountry | Country code (ISO 2) of card. | No | [0:2] char | FR |
cardNetwork | Network name. | No | [1] char | 1: Visa |
wkToken | Token sent when initializing Money-in. | No | [1:50] char | ref123ER |
serviceProvider | Service provider name. | No | [1:50] char | Alma 3 fois |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DATE> string </DATE>
<SEN> string </SEN>
<REC> string </REC>
<DEB> string </DEB>
<CRED> string </CRED>
<COM> string </COM>
<MSG> string </MSG>
<STATUS> string</STATUS>
<EXP> string </EXP>
<TYP> string </TYP>
"DATE":" string ",
"SEN":" string ",
"REC":" string ",
"DEB":" string ",
"CRED":" string ",
"COM":" string ",
"MSG":" string ",
"STATUS":" string",
"EXP":" string ",
"TYP":" string "